More scholar and researcher than antiquarian, Christian Deydier holds a degree in Chinese language and civilization from the University of Paris. He studied Chinese archaeology at Tai Ta University in Taipei, before specializing in the study of jiaguwen (the earliest known form of Chinese writing, engraved on turtle shells and buffalo bones, dating from the Shang dynasty of the 13th to 12th centuries B.C.).
In 1976, aged just 26, his first book: Les Jiaguwen, Essai Bibliographique et Synthèse des Études, was published by the École Française d’Extrême-Orient, a prestigious research institute in Asian archaeology.
In September 1978, Christian Deydier went to work for M. Moreau-Gobard, a recognized expert in Far Eastern art. Then, in 1980, he was appointed expert at Hôtel Drouot. That same year, L’Office du Livre de Fribourg, Switzerland, published his book Les Bronzes Chinois, the first general synthesis to appear on the subject. This led to the book being translated into English and German.
In 1983, Christian Deydier moved to England, and in 1987 opened the « Oriental Bronzes Ltd » gallery in London.
Since 1985, he has organized exhibitions and taken part in numerous fairs in Paris, Brussels, Hong Kong and New York, on themes such as archaic bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Chinese goldsmithery, terracottas from the Han and Tang dynasties, and more. In 1995, Christian Deydier published another book entitled Les Bronzes Archaïques Chinois (Paris, ed. Arhis). In February 1997, he opened a second gallery, « Oriental Bronzes Ltd », on rue du Bac in Paris. In 2008, he moved his gallery to 30 rue de Seine, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.
In scientific circles and among Chinese archaeologists, Christian Deydier owes his reputation not only to his research into archaic bronzes and goldsmith’s and silversmith’s art, but also to his participation in the Chinese excavation campaign at Xian, Shaanxi province, which included the opening of the tomb of the Tang imperial princess Xin Cheng.
His research into Chinese goldsmithery has been the subject of three exhibitions: Imperial Gold from Ancient China, on the goldsmithery of the Liao dynasty (Part 1 in June 1990 and Part 2 in June 1991), and Qin Gold, on the goldsmithery of the Qin dynasty, which took place at the XVIIth Biennale des antiquaires in Paris.
The results of Christian Deydier’s studies on Chinese goldsmithery were published in Chinese in Taiwan in The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art in December 1993 (no. 129) and January 1994 (no. 130), but above all in mainland China in Wenwu (China’s leading and most respected scientific journal of archaeology) in the June 1995 issue (Wenwu, 1995, no. 6, pages 4 to 11).
From 2002 to 2008 and from 2010 to 2014, Christian Deydier was President of the Syndicat National des Antiquaires. He was also a member of the Conseil des ventes.

Knight of the Legion of Honor.
Officer of National Merit.
Officer of the Legion of Honor.
Commander of National Merit.
Les Jiaguwen, Essai Bibliographique et Synthèse des Études, École Française d’Extrême-Orient, volume 106, Paris, 1976.
Les Bronzes Chinois, Fribourg, Switzerland, Office de Livre, 1980. Editions in French, English and German.
Les Bronzes Archaïques Chinois / Archaic Chinese Bronzes: The Xia and Shang, Paris, Arhis, 1995. Illustrated with over 370 color and black & white photographs, this volume is the first of a series of 3, the second being devoted to bronzes from the Zhou dynasty and the third to those of the Han dynasty. English and French editions.
L’Or de la Chine Ancienne / Ancient Chinese Gold, in collaboration with Professor Han Wei, Director of the Shaanxi Province Archaeological Research Center, Paris, Arhis, 2001. English and French editions.
Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection, Vol. 1 Annexe & Volume 2, Hong Kong 2013.
And numerous exhibition catalogs since 1985.
Numerous donations to the Musée Guimet, Paris.
Numerous donations to Musée Cernuschi, Paris.
Donation in 1993 of a gilded silver case dating from the Liao dynasty (11th century BC) to the Shaanxi History Museum.
Donation in 2015 of 28 gold plates, then 24 other gold plates, dating from the early Eastern Zhou dynasty (8th century BC) to the Ganxu Province Museum.
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur.
Officier du Mérite National.
Officier de la Légion d’Honneur.
Commandeur du Mérite National.
Les Jiaguwen, Essai Bibliographique et Synthèse des Études, École Française d’Extrême-Orient, volume 106, Paris, 1976.
Les Bronzes Chinois, Fribourg, Suisse, Office de Livre, 1980. Éditions en langues française, anglaise et allemande.
Les Bronzes Archaïques Chinois / Archaic Chinese Bronzes : The Xia and Shang, Paris, Arhis, 1995. Illustré avec plus de 370 photographies couleur et noir & blanc, ce volume est le premier d’une série de 3, le deuxième étant consacré aux bronzes de la dynastie Zhou et le troisième à ceux de la dynastie Han. Éditions en langues française et anglaise.
L’Or de la Chine Ancienne / Ancient Chinese Gold, en collaboration avec le professeur Han Wei, directeur du Centre de Recherche Archéologique de la province de Shaanxi, Paris, Arhis, 2001. Éditions en langues française et anglaise.
Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection, Vol. 1 Annexe & Volume 2, Hong Kong 2013.
Et de nombreux catalogues d’expositions depuis 1985.
Nombreux dons au Musée Guimet, Paris.
Nombreux dons au Musée Cernuschi, Paris.
Don en 1993 d’un boîtier en argent doré datant de la dynastie Liao (11ème siècle avant J.C.) au Musée d’Histoire du Shaanxi.
Don en 2015 de 28 plaques en or, puis de 24 autres plaques en or, datant du début de la dynastie des Zhou Orientaux (8ème siècle avant J.C.) au Musée de la Province du Ganxu.